Get all the information you need to generate your own clean energy.

Net Energy Metering (NEM) scheme was introduced by the government for consumer to reduce their electricity bills. You can generate your own electricity by installing solar PV system on the rooftop for your own consumption.
Source: SEDA Website
- You will consume first the energy generated by your solar PV system for your internal consumption.
- If the energy generated is not fully used, you can supply the excess to TNB grid.
- When solar energy is insufficient or at night when there is no access to sunlight, TNB will supply the energy to you.
By generating your own electricity, you will use less energy from TNB. Therefore, this will help to lower your electricity bill. Additionally, you can obtain NEM credit when you supply the excess energy to TNB. This credit can be used to further reduce your electricity bill.
For more information on NEM, please refer to the FAQ page.
Check NEM Category
A domestic consumer occupying a private dwelling premise which is not used as a hotel, boarding house or used for the purpose of carrying out any form of business, trade, professional activities or services.
A ministry, department or statutory body established by the government at all levels of administration whether at the federal, state or district levels including local authorities.
All customer types except domestic and streetlighting.
How To Apply
You need to appoint a Registered Photovoltaic Service Provider (RPVSP).
RPVSP will assist you with the end-to-end application. Click here to find your RPVSP.
Overview of NEM Process
You may refer the NEM guideline by clicking the link below:
Understanding Your NEM BillClick on number for more info
Your Personal Details
This refers to your name as the registered account owner and the postal address TNB is sending your electricity bill to. Postal address is the same as premises address for most of the customers.
Your Account Details
Bill Date (Tarikh Bil): The date this bill is issued.
Billing Period (Tempoh Bil): The billing period reflects the duration of the bill based on start and end date of reading taken.
Invoice Number (No. Invois): The invoice number reference for every bill issued.
Security Deposit (Sekuriti Deposit): This refers to the security deposit amount you’ve paid during start electricity application. The amount is usually based on two (2) months usage estimation.
TNB Electricity Account Number (No. Akaun TNB): This is your 12-digit account number for every account that you have with TNB.
Reading Type (Jenis Bacaan): This refers to the type of meter reading your current bill was based on whether the reading is Actual (Sebenar) or Estimated (Anggaran).
Actual Reading (Bacaan Sebenar): Actual meter reading taken at the premises.
Estimated Reading (Bacaan Anggaran): If you receive an estimated bill, it is because your meter was inaccessible at the time of reading. You will receive an adjusted bill once we have taken the actual meter reading at your premises.
Tariff (Tarif): This is determined based on the type of activities of your premises (eg. residential, commercial, industrial, etc.).
Total Payment Made In The Period Of (Jumlah Bayaran Diterima Bagi Tempoh): This refers to the total payment amount you’ve made for the duration stated period.
Your bill's barcode
Scan the barcode to make payment at our Kedai Tenaga Kiosk. The barcode helps identify your 12 digit account number, invoice number, and the total amount payable before payment.
Your bill's JomPAY biller code
Use JomPAY biller code to help you identify your 12 digit account number and total amount payable through internet or Mobile Banking payment from your Current, Savings or Credit Card account. Enter the code and reference number (Ref-1) in online payment page.
Summary of charges
Your total amount due (Jumlah Bil Anda) in the left box refers to all your electricity charges including any previous balance, current charges and rounding adjustment.
The bill due date under the bill amount refers to the latest expected date of your payment. Pay by this date to avoid interest late payment.
Your previous balance (Baki Terdahulu) indicates any unpaid balance on your account from the date the bill was issued.
Your current NEM charges (Caj Semasa NEM) are applied based on the current month. View the breakdown in more details on the second page of your bill.
Rounding adjustment (Pelarasan Penggenapan) refers to the existing Rounding Mechanism determined by the Malaysian Government.
NEM balance (Baki NEM) refers to your NEM balance and balance expiry date.
6 months trend usage
You can now track your previous 6 months electricity usage and view your average for the 6-month period to get a better understanding of your usage and charges.
Actual Reading (Bacaan Sebenar): Actual meter reading taken at the premises.
Estimated Reading (Bacaan Anggaran): If you receive an estimated bill, it is because your meter was inaccessible at the time of reading. You will receive an adjusted bill once we have taken the actual meter reading at your premises.
NEM balance and balance expiry date
You can now track your NEM balance and balance expiry date.
NEM certificate number
This refers to your NEM certificate number.
Your premises address
This refers to your premises address TNB is providing service to.
QR code for payment history details
You can scan this QR code to access a summary of your bills and payments for the past 6 months.
Energy charges based on tariff block
Understand your energy charges in kWh & RM units based on this easy-to-read TNB’s tariff block.
If your billing period is more than 31 days, the tariff block will be prorated and will display in your bill. The amount of charges will be based on your calculated Prorated Factor multiplied with each of the tariff blocks and you will enjoy a lower rate benefit for expanded consumption block range.
Here is an example of Prorated Factor calculation if your billing period is 32 days.
E.g. 32 days (Number of Billing Days) / 30 days (Denominator) = 1.0666 (Prorated Factor)12
NEM credit based on tariff block
Refer to this section for the details of your NEM credit based on tariff block.
Billing components and charges
This section provides a detailed explanation of your charges, including tariff structure, relevant bill components such as discounts, charges for the current month, late payment charges, contributions to the Renewable Energy (KWTBB) fund (view more about RE Fund here) and other charges.
No ST charges (Tanpa ST): The total electricity usage and related billing components that are not taxable.
With ST charges (Dengan ST): The total electricity usage and related billing components on which the Service Tax applies.
Note: Effective 1st March 2024, the service tax rate will increase from 6% to 8%.
TNB Payment Channels
A list of TNB's various payment channels available to pay your electricity bill.
TNB Customer Care
Here's how you can get in touch with us for billing enquiries, power breakdown assistance, general enquiries and any new updates.
Nearest Kedai Tenaga
Visit our customer service at the nearest Kedai Tenaga to your premises for services such as bill payments, electricity supply applications, providing safety advice, and answering queries.
Meter information
This refer to your meter information, readings and usage.
Solar For Rakyat Incentive Scheme (SolaRIS)
Frequently Asked Questions for Solar for Rakyat Incentive Scheme (SolaRIS)
1. What is SolaRIS
Solar For Rakyat Incentive Scheme, SolaRIS is an incentive programme launched by the Government aimed at attracting new installations of solar photovoltaic (PV) systems in residential premises. This programme supports the government’s goal of increasing renewable energy capacity in the electricity supply system to 70% by the year 2050 and reducing carbon emissions.
A cash rebate of up to RM4,000 will be given to residential customers who submit Net Energy Metering (NEM) application to Sustainable Energy Development Authority (SEDA) Malaysia from 1st April 2024 onwards and successfully commission their solar PV system installations with TNB.
2. Who is eligible for SolaRIS
Customers are eligible for the rebate if they fulfill the following criteria:
- • TNB Residential Customers (Tariff A) *Exclude businesses
- • Successful first-time NEM Rakyat applicants from 1 April 2024 onwards (Customers with prior NEM approvals are not eligible)
- • Malaysian citizens
*Each customer is entitled to only ONE (1) rebate
3. How can I participate in the SolaRIS programme?
You may refer to the infographics.
4. How much will I get for the SolaRIS rebate?
The rebate shall be based on your Declared Installed Capacity (kWac). You can check this in your NEM Rakyat Certificate. 1kWac is equivalent to RM1,000 (with capping of RM4,000).
Example 1: Example 2: Solar PV Declared Installed Capacity = 2.45kWac
Cash Rebate = 2.45kWac * RM1,000 = RM2,450
Solar PV Declared Installed Capacity = 5.00kWac
Cash Rebate = RM4,000 (maximum)
5. When will I receive the rebate payment?
The rebate payment will only be made after the installation and commissioning of the solar PV system under the NEM Rakyat Program and will be deposited into TNB customer’s local bank account, subject to the terms and conditions of the SolaRIS programme.
6. I obtained approval for my NEM Rakyat before 1 April 2024. Am I eligible for the rebate?
No. Only those who apply and obtain approval from 1 April 2024 onwards are eligible. You can refer to the submission and approval date from your NEM Rakyat certificate produced by SEDA.
7. I apply for NEM Rakyat before 1 April 2024 and obtained the NEM Rakyat certificate after 1 April 2024. Am I eligible for the rebate?
No. Only those who apply and obtain approval from 1 April 2024 onwards are eligible. You can refer to submission and approval date from your NEM Rakyat certificate produced by SEDA.
8. I have multiple houses with solar PV installations, and I submitted the application under NEM Rakyat after 1 April 2024. Can I apply the rebate for all?
No, you are entitled to only one rebate for one house that was first successfully commissioned with TNB after 1 April 2024.
9. I have purchased a house with existing solar PV installation under NEM Rakyat from the previous owner. Can I apply for the rebate?
No, you are not eligible:
i. if the previous owner has already received the rebate.
ii. if the previous owner has commissioned the solar PV installation before 1 April 2024.
10. I have installed additional solar PV capacity after 1 April 2024. Am I eligible to receive the SolaRIS rebate?
No, you are not eligible for the rebate. Existing NEM customers who increased their solar PV installation capacity are not eligible for the rebate.
11. I have withdrawn from the previous NEM Rakyat quota and have not yet installed the solar PV installation. Am I eligible for the rebate if I obtain the new quota approval after 1 April 2024?
No, you are not eligible for the rebate. Only successful first-time NEM Rakyat applicants from 1 April 2024 onwards are eligible to receive the rebate.
12. I surrendered my NEM Rakyat quota after commissioning the solar PV installation. Am I eligible for the rebate if I obtain new approval after 1 April 2024?
No, you are not eligible for the rebate. Only first-time NEM Rakyat applicants are eligible to receive the rebate.
13. I have received previous NEM quota and obtained NEM Rakyat quota. Am I eligible to receive the SolaRIS rebate?
If you have previously received approval for NEM quota and subsequently apply for NEM Rakyat after 1 April 2024, you will not be eligible for SolaRIS rebate. This is because the eligibility for the rebate is limited to first-time NEM Rakyat applicants after 1 April 2024 who have not obtained prior NEM approvals.
14. When is the last date to apply SolaRIS?
The rebate allocation is on a first-come, first-served basis from 1 April 2024 and successfully commissioned the solar PV system installations with TNB latest by 30 April 2025, or until all quotas under NEM Rakyat are fully distributed, whichever comes first.
15. I did not receive any email on SolaRIS after commissioning my solar PV installation. What should I do?
Eligible applicants will receive SolaRIS email from TNB within 14 working days after receiving the confirmation email from TNB on joining NEM Rakyat (NEM Welcome Letter). You can reach out to TNB CareLine via the following channels:
- • Call 1-300-88-5454
- • Email to
- • Private Message (PM) on Facebook TNB Careline or Direct Message (DM) on X @Tenaga_Nasional
16. I have submitted the bank account details through the link provided in the SolaRIS email and then received an email on the payment being rejected. Why is my payment rejected?
You need to submit your own bank account details. A joint bank account is allowed, provided your name is the primary account holder. Common reasons for payment rejection are:
- • Incorrect bank name selected
- • Incorrect bank account number provided
- • Bank account belongs to a third party
17. What should I do when I receive the email about payment rejection?
You need to fill up our Data Change Request (DCR) Form here, together with the supporting documents (copy of NRIC and copy of front-page bank statement) and submit:
- • via email to TNB CareLine –
- • via walk in to the nearest Kedai Tenaga
Download SolaRIS FAQ ENG | BM
Get In Touch
*Applicable to NEM customers only.
If you require further details regarding NEM, please contact TNB CareLine at 1-300-88-5454 or email to