Commercial Tariff
Tariff category Unit Current rate (1 Jan 2014) Tariff B – Low voltage commercial tariff For the first 200kWh (1-200kWh) per month sen/KWh 43.50 For the next kWh (201kWh onwards) per month sen/KWh 50.90 Minimum monthly charge is RM7.20 Tariff C1 – Medium voltage general commercial tariff For each kilowatt of maximum demand per month RM/kW 30.30 For all kWh sen/KWh 36.50 Minimum monthly charge is RM600.00 Tariff C2 – Medium voltage peak/off-peak commercial tariff For each kilowatt of maximum demand per month during the peak period RM/kW 45.10 For all kWh during the peak period sen/KWh 36.50 For all kWh during the off-peak period sen/KWh 22.40 Minimum monthly charge is RM600.00 -
Industrial Tariff
Tariff category Unit Current rate (1 Jan 2014) Tariff D – Low voltage industrial tariff For the first 200kWh (1-200kWh) per month sen/KWh 38.00 For the next kWh (201kWh onwards) per month sen/KWh 44.10 Minimum monthly charge is RM7.20 Tariff E1 – Medium voltage general industrial tariff For each kilowatt of maximum demand per month RM/kW 29.60 For all kWh sen/KWh 33.70 Minimum monthly charge is RM600.00 Tariff E2 – Medium voltage peak/off-peak industrial tariff For each kilowatt of maximum demand per month during the peak period RM/kW 37.00 For all kWh during the peak period sen/KWh 35.50 For all kWh during the off-peak period sen/KWh 21.90 Minimum monthly charge is RM600.00 Tariff E3 – High voltage peak/off-peak industrial tariff For each kilowatt of maximum demand per month during the peak period RM/kW 35.50 For all kWh during the peak period sen/KWh 33.70 For all kWh during the off-peak period sen/KWh 20.20 Minimum monthly charge is RM600.00 -
Mining Tariff
Tariff category Unit Current rate (1 Jan 2014) Tariff F – Low voltage mining tariff For all kWh sen/KWh 38.10 Minimum monthly charge is RM120.00 Tariff F1 – Medium voltage general mining tariff For each kilowatt of maximum demand per month RM/kW 21.10 For all kWh sen/KWh 31.30 Minimum monthly charge is RM120.00 Tariff F2 – Medium voltage peak/off-peak mining tariff For each kilowatt of maximum demand per month during the peak period RM/kWh 29.80 For all kWh during the peak period sen/KWh 31.30 For all kWh during the off-peak period sen/KWh 17.20 Minimum monthly charge is RM120.00 -
Street Lighting
Street Lighting
Charges and Tariff Rates
"Street Lighting Consumer" means a consumer lighting up public roads, highways and bridges excluding tolled roads and highways.
"Neon & Floodlight Consumer" means a consumer lighting up neon and floodlight installations for roadside advertisements, billboards, buildings, traffic lights, signages, bus-stops and telephone kiosks or for decorating the facade of buildings. For this purpose, the consumer must install facilities for separate metering system and pay full installation costs incurred by TNB to provide the supply.
Tariff category Unit Current rate (1 Jan 2014) Tariff G - Street Lighting Tariff For all kWh (including maintenance) sen/kWh 30.50 For all kWh (excluding maintenance) sen/kWh 19.20 The minimum monthly charge is RM 7.20 Tariff G1 - Neon & Floodlight Tariff For all kWh sen/kWh 20.80 The minimum monthly charge is RM 7.20 -
Specific Agriculture
Specific Agriculture Tariffs
Tariff category Unit Current rate (1 Jan 2014) Tariff H – Low voltage specific agriculture tariff For the first 200kWh (1-200kWh) per month sen/KWh 39.00 For the next kWh (201kWh onwards) per month sen/KWh 47.20 Minimum monthly charge is RM7.20 Tariff H1 – Medium voltage general specific agriculture tariff For each kilowatt of maximum demand per month RM/kW 30.30 For all kWh sen/KWh 35.10 Minimum monthly charge is RM600.00 Tariff H2 – Medium voltage peak/off-peak specific agriculture tariff For each kilowatt of maximum demand per month during the peak period RM/kW 40.80 For all kWh during the peak period sen/KWh 36.50 For all kWh during the off-peak period sen/KWh 22.40 Minimum monthly charge is RM600.00 -
Top-up & standby services (only for co-generators)
Top-up and standby services (only for co-generators)
Co-generators are generators that use a single primary energy source to sequentially generate two different forms of useful energy for its own use at an efficiency rate of more than 70%.
Services offered:
Top-up supplyAdditional supply required by a co-generator that does not produce sufficient electricity for its own use.
Standby supplySupply that TNB provides to a co-generator whenever a co-generator does not generate electricity due to plant failure or planned shutdown for maintenance.
Tariff category Unit Current rate (1 Jan 2014) Top-up Standby Tariff C1 – Medium voltage general commercial tariff Maximum demand charge per month RM/kW 30.30 14.00 For all kWh sen/KWh 36.50 Tariff C2 – Medium voltage peak/off-peak commercial tariff For each kilowatt of maximum demand per month during the peak period RM/kW 45.10 14.00 For all kWh during the peak period sen/KWh 36.50 For all kWh during the off-peak period sen/KWh 22.40 Tariff E1 – Medium voltage general industrial tariff Maximum demand charge per month RM/kW 29.60 14.00 For all kWh sen/KWh 33.70 Tariff E2 – Medium voltage peak/off-peak industrial tariff For each kilowatt of maximum demand per month during the peak period RM/kW 37.00 14.00 For all kWh during the peak period sen/KWh 35.50 For all kWh during the off-peak period sen/KWh 21.90 Tariff E3 – High voltage peak/off-peak industrial tariff For each kilowatt of maximum demand per month during the peak period RM/kW 35.50 8.00* For all kWh during the peak period sen/KWh 33.70 For all kWh during the off-peak period sen/KWh 20.20 Tariff F1 – Medium voltage general mining tariff Maximum demand charge per month RM/kW 21.10 14.00 For all kWh sen/KWh 31.30 Tariff F2 – Medium voltage peak/off-peak mining tariff For each kilowatt of maximum demand per month during the peak period RM/kW 29.80 14.00 For all kWh during the peak period sen/KWh 31.30 For all kWh during the off-peak period sen/KWh 17.20 Tariff H1 – Medium voltage general specific agriculture tariff Maximum demand charge per month RM/kW 30.30 14.00 For all kWh sen/KWh 35.10 Tariff H2 – Medium voltage peak/off-peak specific agriculture tariff For each kilowatt of maximum demand per month during the peak period RM/kW 40.80 14.00 For all kWh during the peak period sen/KWh 36.50 For all kWh during the off-peak period sen/KWh 22.40 Notes:
1.This new Standby rate (as of 1 January 2014) is applicable to:
a.All new co-generation costumers
b.Existing co-generation customers who wish to migrate to this new Standby rate
2.If you are an existing co-generation customer who wishes to maintain the previous Standby (Firm & Non-Firm) rates, the previous Standby (Firm & Non-Firm) rates together with the new Top-Up rate (as of 1 January 2014) will be applicable to you.
3.1.6% as Feed-in-Tariff (FiT) for RE Fund will be imposed on your monthly bill (excluding domestic consumers with monthly consumption of 300kWh and below) effective 1 January 2014.
4. * Standby charges for high voltage CoGen customers effective 1st January 2020.