Get all the information you need to generate your own clean energy.

As an installer or electrical contractor or consultant in the RE industry, you play an important role in guiding our customers through the application, installation and connection process.
A distributed generation (DG) system is one that is connected to a distribution network (up to <30MW) rather than connected to the high voltage transmission network. All DG units that are to be connected to our network, whether exporting or non-exporting, must be approved by relevant authority before installation. We ask that you ensure your customers are aware of this requirement.
STEP 1 Determine your RE scheme
There are several connection processes, depending on the chosen scheme.
If you are still not sure, find the right scheme for you here.
STEP 2 Determine technical study requirement, and apply online if applicable.
Your connection application may require technical study, as explained in the next section. If applicable submit technical study application online on behalf of your customers via MyTNB Portal, a quick and easy way to submit application, pay fee and view completed reports online.
STEP 3 Get approval from relevant authority
You need to get approval from relevant authority according to the chosen scheme.
STEP 4 Sign Power Purchase Agreement/Registration
Once approval is obtained, we require your customer to enter into a power purchase agreement that governs the ongoing connection of your facility to our distribution system. For self consumption, only registration is required.
If you intend to connect 30MW or more of generation capacity, please refer to:
Grid Planning Department,
Grid Division, TNB,
Aras 21, Bangunan 2 Sentral,
8 Jalan Tun Sambanthan,
50470 Kuala Lumpur. -
Technical Study Requirement
Some applications to connect a generating unit to TNB network require a technical assessment. This is because we have an obligation to operate, maintain and protect our network to ensure the reliable and secure connection and supply of electricity to our customers.
RE Scheme - Net Energy Metering (NEM)
RE Scheme Technical Study by TNB Generation Capacity Fee Duration Net Energy Metering (NEM) Net Energy Metering Assessment (NEMAS) >72kW - 180kW RM1,000 30 days >180kW - 425kW RM5,000 >425kW - 1MW RM8,000 >1MW - 2MW RM15,000 >2MW - 5MW RM20,000 >5MW - 10MW RM30,000 >10MW - 30MW RM40,000 Others Power System Study (PSS) ≤1 MW RM20,000 30 days >1MW - 10MW RM40,000 40 days >10MW - <30MW RM60,000 50 days
If an application does not need to be assessed, that does not imply our guarantee of effective operation. It remains the installer's responsibility to do their testing and be confident the proposed generating unit will meet customer performance expectations. Similarly, our assessment are provided at a point in time and are not a guarantee a unit will operate effectively.
For self consumption generating unit of ≥425kW, you need to conduct own PSS to be approved by TNB. -
Connection Essentials
Upon successfully signing the power purchase agreement, you are now ready to connect to TNB network. TNB has released Technical Guidelines for Interconnection of Distributed Generator to Distribution System that focuses on providing recommended practice for utility interconnection of DG systems in a manner that will allow the DG system to perform as expected and be installed at a reasonable cost while not compromising safety or operational issues.
Interconnection Works You are responsible at your own cost for carrying out the applicable interconnection facilities up to the connection point, and any necessary modification to TNB existing electricity distribution network required to facilitate network required to facilitate the acceptance of RE generated by the RE installation in accordance to prudent utility practices. Metering Unlike the conventional unidirectional meter, the RE meter shall have import and export functions. There may be cost incurred to assess and/or replace the existing meter, or to install new meter. Testing & Commissioning (T&C) Upon successful completion of T&C and documents submission, consumer can start generating their own clean energy, and enjoy the benefits that comes with it.
Get In Touch
If you have any further query please contact us at