Be smart with your electricity appliances at home.

What is it?
Introduced in 2006, energy efficiency labels are issued by the Energy Commission to manufacturers of electrical appliances who comply with the standards and requirements of energy performance tests. Energy efficiency label shows you the estimated energy consumption of an electrical equipment based on a star rating system - 5 star means the most efficient,
1 star means the least efficient. With the star ratings, you can estimate how much electricity (kWH) the appliance consumes!
Electrical Appliances with Energy Star ratings
(single split wall
mounted type)
When you’re looking to buy an appliance, look at the label! There’s information on its energy
consumption that will help you choose the most efficient model. 5-star appliances are most efficient
and will:
•save money in the long run.
•reduce carbon footprint created by electricity generation
•improve the quality of your life
Find out more
Suruhanjaya Tenaga
Find out moreCentre for Education, Training, and Research in Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency and Green Technology (CETREE)
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