Find out if you are eligible for any of our special schemes below.
Time of Use (TOU) tariff scheme offers different tariff rates at different times of the day. For example, tariff rates during Off-Peak period will be lower than Peak period.
TOU Time Zones
Enhanced Time of Use (ETOU) is an extension to TOU that encourages Demand Side Management.
There are three (3) time zones for Energy charge that are Peak, Mid-Peak and Off-Peak. On the other hand, Maximum Demand charge will have two (2) time zones with Peak and Mid-peak rates.
Enhanced Time of Use (ETOU) Time Zones
Peak time zone now reduced to 4 hours (from the existing 14 hours | |
Mid-Peak zone of 10 hours is introduced for Energy and Demand Charges at rates lower than the current peak rates | |
Off-peak zone maintained for 10 hours |
Monday to Friday
- 3 different Energy Rates: Peak, Mid-Peak and Off-Peak rates
- 2 different Demand Charge: Peak and Mid-Peak charges
Weekends and Public Holiday*
- Only Off-Peak energy rates
- Demand Charge is waived during weekend and Public Holidays
ETOU will only include these fixed Public Holiday: New Year (1 January), Labour Day (1 May), Merdeka Day (31 August), Malaysia Day (16 September) & Christmas (25 December)
General Terms and Conditions
- All customers who wish to enroll for ETOU scheme must enter into an agreement.
- All interested customers must sign up for E-mail billing.
- The customers shall be under ETOU scheme for a minimum period of 6 months.
- There is no cost imposed for installation/reprogramming of meter for first time enrollment to this scheme.
- Customer to bear all costs associated to reverting to normal gazetted tariff including meter reprogramming and/or meter change and vice versa.
- ETOU customers will be subjected to Connected Load Charge (CLC) as per current policy.
- Existing customers under customized agreement may also apply for ETOU on a case by case basic and may be subjected to additional commercial terms and conditions.
- Not applicable for landlord tenant supply scheme.
ETOU is a self-regulating tool for customers to control their electricity usage and bill. You will enjoy reduction in monthly bill by shifting your consumption to Mid-Peak and Off-Peak hours, when the rates are lower.
Medium and high voltage customers under the following tariff categories:
Commercial: Tariff C2
Industrial: Tariff E2, E2s, E3, E3s
Agriculture: Tariff H2
Mining: Tariff F2
Low, medium and high voltage customers under the following tariff categories:
Commercial: Tariff C1, C2
Industrial: Tariff D, Ds, E1, E1s, E2, E2s, E3 and E3s
For other medium voltage customers such as Specific Agriculture Tariff (H1 and H2) or Mining (F1 and F2), they may apply for ETOU but their tariff will either be under ETOU C1 or ETOU C2 plus any discount if applicable under current policy.
Tariff Category |
Commercial C1 MV ETOU |
Commercial C2 MV ETOU |
Industrial D LV ETOU |
Industrial E1 MV ETOU |
Industrial E2 MV ETOU |
Industrial E3 HV ETOU |
You are not required to enroll in this scheme and you reserve the right to remain with your existing tariff rates should it prove to be more beneficial to you and your business.